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Virginia Brown
Virginia Brown is a freelance writer with a penchant for people and places, music and the outdoors.
Holiday energy hacks every business should know
Have an energy specialist show you how to lower your energy bill
Bridging the gap: Duke Energy powers students with laptops
Harrison Cochran found line work after the Navy, feels 'really lucky'
How Duke Energy is optimizing its grid to handle more EVs
How Duke Energy manages EV charging, helps customers save
Mountain Island Hydro marks 100 years of producing clean energy
How Duke Energy Florida helps with higher energy costs
A new way for companies in Indiana to cut carbon emissions
How Duke Energy workers build skills for the energy transition
Luis Abril learned to love the energy industry from his father
How eTransEnergy helps organizations electrify vehicles
Electric grid updates in Midwest help protect against severe weather
How Duke Energy rebuilt major transmission lines across the Ohio River
He took a step forward for the 'chance of a lifetime'