This edition of retro features bowlers, spreadsheets and microwaves. And Cincinnati's Great Flood of 1937. If you recognize any of the people or locations in these photos from the Duke Energy archives, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 672: This is a Duke Power bowling team. Recognize anyone? Where did they work?

Photo 696: Who is this Duke Power employee, and where did she work?

Photo 705: Who are these Florida Power employees scrutinizing spreadsheets?

Photo 725: This contact sheet shows a Carolina Power & Light employee promoting microwave ovens. Who is she? Any idea when the photo was taken?
After the flood

Retro correspondent Tom Tate dug into Photo 721 showing Cincinnati Gas & Electric workers in 1937. “This one was a fun challenge to research!” he said. “When you look at the street out front and the mud along the curb areas, this photo is associated with the aftermath of the Great Flood of 1937 in that same area. The Ohio River rose 80 feet in January 1937 and flooded the city. L.T. Patterson Chrysler on Gilbert Avenue did survive the flood. This area is now void of buildings and appears to have been cleared for the highway.”