Meet long-ago employees from Duke Energy legacy companies and check out a couple of old work vehicles in this November edition of Retro. If you have information that could help us update our records, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.
Photo 838: These individuals may have been on a Duke Power clearing and seeding crew, but that’s all we know. Do you recognize anyone, or know when the photo was taken? Bonus points if you can share their location.
Photo 840: We need your help to identify the make, model and year of this Public Service Indiana work vehicle. Better yet, do you know what it was used for?
Photo 857: Any ideas on who these Piedmont Natural Gas employees are? What event were they supporting?
Photo 848: This photo – from our Cincinnati Gas & Electric collection – features a group of tree trimmers from Union Gas and Electric Co. Does anything stand out about the makes, models or years of the vehicles? This could help us determine when the picture was taken.
We asked, you answered …
Photo 831: With help from RW Price, we’ve learned this photo was taken in front of the Unit 1 turbine, just outside of the control room, at Dan River Steam Station in Eden, N.C.
Price identified the individuals, from left to right, as Irvin Gillie, James Depriest, Bill Rudd, James Robertson, Bill Kallam, Lonnie Bragdon, Jim Wilson, Frank McBride, Bob Hutchins, Charlie Rhyne and Willie Boyd.
“Most of these guys worked from the time the station began operation – or near the start,” he added.
Photo 847: The car in question is a 1923 Dodge Brothers Standard Type A Roadster, according to Tom Tate, who said, “It must have been really cold outside, given the cold weather blanket/cover installed over the hood. And check out the radio transceiver and antenna those guys are using! What a great photo. Thanks for putting this one out!”