These photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., are missing identification. That's where you come in. Help us solve the mystery. If you have any information about where or when these photos were taken, or know someone who can help, email illumination@duke-energy.com.
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White shirts and skinny ties were popular in October 1965 when this photo from the Florida Power files was taken. But where?

This photo was shot at Carolina Power & Light's Brunswick nuclear plant in 1987. Who is it and what is he doing? (05/13/16: Identified!)
You solved these mysteries

Sam Bonds and Liz Thomas provided IDs of the 1980 Buck Steam Station (N.C.) ball team: Back row, from left: Bill Ridenhour, Carl Chappel, Johnny Greene, Larry Cornelius, Ken Eller, Ronnie Eidson, Stanley Myers. Front row, from left: Otis Ragan, Jake Cauble, Doug Shuping, Bob Lowman, Phip Sparger, Charles Seaford.

Dale R. Lewis, who worked for CP&L and Progress Energy said this may be the Energy Control Center on Hillsborough Street in Raleigh. Kay T Capps says this photo "looks like the Scale Center in Raleigh where they control the power grid."