Submitted for your perusal in this edition, three group photos and an old truck. Plus some photos from previous installments that we've been able to identify thanks to your help.
These images are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you recognize any of the people or locations in the photos, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 650: We like looking at pictures of old trucks. This one seems to have a stash of javelines on top. What year, make and model is this truck from the Public Service Indiana collection?

Photo 652: This Public Service Indiana photo shows a group from Gibson Generating Station. Who are they? And what are they celebrating?

Photo 656: Who are these Duke Power employees? Why are they together?

Photo 690: Remember the good old days, huddled around a computer? Who are these Carolina Power and Light employees? What are they doing?
You identfied these people

The Florida Power employee in Photo 609 has been identified as Maurice Phillips, executive vice president of energy distribution in the 1990s.

Photo 614 is Joe Richardson, Florida Power CEO from 1997 until 2000.

The woman in the green shirt in Photo 664 has been identified as Shirley Spencer, who still works at Oconee Nuclear Station. The 1988 DE Fest was held at Camp Thunderbird on Lake Wylie, S.C. The festival was held for Design Engineering employees.