Today we have photos from Piedmont Natural Gas and a Duke Energy legacy company. If you recognize any of the people or locations, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.
Thanks to your help, we have more information to share on images that appeared in previous editions of Retro. We’ll continue to publish as many of your responses as we can.

Photo 812: We think this is a Piedmont Natural Gas operations center on Yancey Road in Charlotte, N.C. Does it look familiar? The vehicles in the parking lot could hold a clue as to when it was taken. Any guesses from our car enthusiasts?

Photo 815: Who are these Piedmont employees? Where did they work? What did they do?

Photo 814: Does anyone remember this Piedmont office? Is the building still standing?

Photo 802: This photo, from our Carolina Power & Light Collection, shows a group of lineworkers at Harris Nuclear Center’s Energy & Environmental Center. Does anyone look familiar? Do you know what they’re doing?
And the employees are …

Photo 778: We got a few responses that helped us identify the women in this photo. They worked in Hickory, N.C. All have retired, except for Robin Annas, a senior work management specialist at Hickory Operations Center.
On the front row left to right: Suzanne Ames, Sarah Johnson, Ann Clark and Brenda Page.
Back row left to right: Agnes England and Robin Annas.
You helped us learn more about these photos …

Photo 005: We thought this was taken in the 1950s, but we learned that this model truck was only built between 1947-1948, as determined by the vents in the cowl sides. The design changed the following year, according to Tom Tate who identified the Chevrolet truck with utility bed for mobile gas appliance repairs. His response helped us update our records, as did the info he provided below. Thanks, Tom!

Photo 003: The “when” for this photo was determined by the truck in the foreground, which Tate identified as a 1951-1952 Ford F-5 or F-7, dual rear wheel, “Big Job” model.

Photo 008: “This photo shows a gas piping installation crew,” Tate said. “The new piping is seen extending in front of and behind the wagon. I wish I could add more!”

Photo 002: “This truck is a Ford F-1 series,” Tate said, “model built between 1945 to 1947 with a utility bed on it.” As World War II was winding down, civilian production began to gear up again. Ford had access to steel even though it was in short supply, so it was able to get a few new trucks back in the hands of Americans.