Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. However, many of the photos are not properly identified. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about the photos below. You can send us an email at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.
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Photo 238: Do you recognize this Florida Power employee? Do you know what she did or when she worked for the company? Does the massive phone in the background give you a clue to the timeframe?

Photo 294: This group shot came from the Cinergy collection. Do you know who they are or what they did for the company?

Photo 298: Do you know who this is or what she did for Florida Power? The photo was filed with Crystal River archives. The computer even has floppy disk drives – a rare sight today.
Mysteries solved!

A few readers wrote in to identify the employees in photo 260, which was likely taken in the 1970s. They were engineers in Charlotte at a building that used to house the Duke Power engineering, construction and operations group as well as a bus garage. From left: Jim Clonser, Mike Rogers and Mike Taylor.