Do you recognize anyone in these photos?
The images are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you know any of the people or locations in the photos, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.
Hats off to a several people who identified some buildings in Indiana in previous retro posts. Read on to find out more.

Photo 643: This is Penny Power from Public Service Indiana. Did employees dress up in a Penny costume? What do you remember about Penny?

Photo 669: Who are these Duke Power employees? Where did they work?

Photo 679: Where was this Duke Power office? Is it still in use?

Photo 689: Who are these cheerful Carolina Power and Light employees? Where did they work?
Mysteries solved

Retro correspondent Tom Tate determined that photo 640 dates from about 1938 based on the vehicles (1938 Ford, 1938/39 Packard, 1936 Ford). The Lenore Substation was south of Hannah Road in Indianapolis, Ind. “The Lenore Substation was no longer needed by September 1964 and terminations/lines re-routed to other substation/lines (Five Points Substation, still in service at 9101 E. Edgewood Ave., Indianapolis).”

Kevin Johnson and Joshua Foster provided details about photo 642, Kokomo Power Plant substation - June 8, 1926. “The power plant at this site was removed and this became the downtown Kokomo Main Street substation. Years of flooding plagued the low area and the substation was moved a few blocks away,” Johnson said. “All that remains is the old brick control building, empty, but still in very solid shape. (It is hidden behind the tree in the 1926 picture.)”
Foster said, “the Victorian House looks to have been destroyed after 1937 prior to this substation’s expansion southward."
Below is a recent photo of the site: