Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Indiana and Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. Many of the photos aren't identified. That's where you can help. If you recognize anyone or anything, send us the info at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.
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Photo 390: These are Duke Power natural gas employees who would become Piedmont Natural Gas employees when Duke Power sold its gas business in 1951 to Piedmont. Where was this photo taken? And even though it was a long time ago, do you recognize anyone?

Photo 392: The notes on this photo from the Nashville Gas Co. collection say “Old Stove Roundup - 1950.” What was the roundup and what street did it take place on?

Photo 350: Who is this Duke Energy lineworker and where did he work?

Photo 401: Who are these Nashville Gas Co. customer service employees and what did they do for the company?
Mystery solved!

Gibson Generating Station Project Manager Brad Graves reports that the Cinergy employee in photo 293 is Randy Findlay, who was construction manager at Gibson for the SCR Projects. He is standing in front of a large DeMag Ringer Crane used to support construction of the Gibson Unit 4 and Unit 5 SCRs. The crane was in place 2003 and 2004 on the west end of the station.