Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Indiana and Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. Many of the photos aren't identified. That's where you can help. If you recognize anyone or anything, send us the info at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.
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Photo 394: Our archivists think this steel structure is the old Piedmont Natural Gas headquarters on Rexford Road in Charlotte, N.C. Is that correct? When was this building built?

Photo 241: Here's another PNG building, in Hickory, N.C. Where was it located and is it still there?

Photo 400: Who is this employee and what did he do for the company?

Photo 391: The modern fuel! What model year is this Chevy Apache? What was the truck used for?
Mysteries solved

Several people identified the man in photo 350 as Bobby Morrison, who's still with the company as a transmission substation tech.

A couple of people said these women in photo 384 were receptionists in the lobby of Duke Power's Power Building in Charlotte. George Meier said that before the direct dial telephone system, they would place long-distance calls for employees.