Retro photos: Pencils and computers Retro photos: Pencils and computers

Retro photos: Pencils and computers

Can you help us ID these photos?


Here are some old photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., showing Florida power employees using the tools of the trade – pencils and computers. Does anyone use pencils anymore?

Anyway, if you recognize any of the people or locations in the photos, let us know. Email, and include the photo number or attach the image.


Photo 595: The nameplate on her desk says "Kay J. Donaldson." Where did she work? What was her job?


Photo 603: Who is this employee, and what department is this?


Photo 633: This fellow is using a pen and a computer. Who is he, where did he work, and what's he doing?


Photo 635: Who is he, and where did he work?

Mystery solved


Several people, including Kathy Small, identified the employee in photo 593 as Kathy Small. "I was in the Environmental Services Department in the General Office Complex (GOC), Building H, in St. Petersburg, FL. Regeneration was the name of our corporate recycling program. The program was very comprehensive and went beyond recycling paper. I don’t recall the exact year this photo was taken, but I would think it was around 1994-1996 timeframe."

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