Smart meters send data about your electric use to Duke Energy, so it’s rare to see meter readers in person now. But our archives are full of photos of meter readers as they checked each meter to determine customers’ bills.
The photos come from Duke Energy's archives, which house thousands of old photos from legacy companies in Florida and Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and the Carolinas. But many lack identification. If you can identify anyone in these photos or the circumstances for the photo, email information to Include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 506: The notes on this Duke Power photo say, "Spartanburg AOC." Who are these employees, and why are they assembled?

Photo 534: We're glad to see recycling was happening back in the day. Who is this Florida Power employee, and where was she working?

Photo 543: Who is this Cinergy employee, and what is the device she is using?

Photo 549: Who are these Cinergy employees? What group did they work in?
With your help, IDs!

A number of you recognized Florida Power President Allen Keesler (1988-1996) in Photo 537. The triplets also appear in Photo 536, published July 1.

Photo 536. Debbie Vogel identified the Florida Power lineworkers, from left, Ricardo Welch, Joe Scarcella and her husband, Gregory Vogel. They're all retired now. The photo was taken about 1998 or '99 for United Way activities. Vogel was a United Way spokesman.