Retro photos: Just look natural Retro photos: Just look natural

Retro photos: Just look natural

Can you help ID these photos?


In this installment of retro, we present photos of employees from Duke Power and Piedmont Natural Gas from the Duke Energy archives. The photos don't include identification, so if you recognize any of the people or locations in these photos, email, and include the photo number or attach the image. 

Thanks to you readers, we identify employees from Duke Power and Florida Power. Scroll down to find out who they are.

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Photo 697: Who is this Duke Power employee? Where did he work?

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Photo 711: Who are these Piedmont Natural Gas employees? What team did they work on?

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Photo 717: What is the make and model of this Piedmont Natural Gas truck? What was it used for?

Mysteries solved with your help


Photo 661: Lewis Withers and Darryl Kelley helped us identify the man in the DE Fest shirt as Chester Reeves, an engineer in the Design Engineering Department. The man on the far right wearing a blue shirt is Bill Fox, who also worked in Design Engineering.


We heard from a lot of readers identifying the Florida Power Small/Medium Business Team lead by Sue Cleary in Photo 701. Front row, from left: Jim Wickman, Delaine Bright, Pam Foster, Sue Cleary, Vita Gayson, Gary Renfro. Back row, from left: Mike Malley, Julie Marshall, Roy Teague, John Copeland, Alan Swisher, Scott Moeller, Debbie Diroff, Greg Read.

Kudos to the identifiers: Laura Brickey, Brian Burek, Debra Crisp, Alan Dahlstrom, Cathy Hanson, Jennifer Lee, Mike Malley, Barbara Moore, Rhonda Santana, Alan Swisher, Frank Teague, Stefanie Wilson.

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