Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Indiana and Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. Many of the photos aren't identified. That's where you can help. If you recognize anyone or anything, send us the info at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 409: This photo shows members of Carolina Power & Light's Hurricane Hugo Response/Customer Service team toting something. What is it? And do you recognize these men?

Photo 385: Who is this Duke Power Co. employee and where did he work?

Photo 404: This Duke Power collection photo is from the Thomasville, N.C., branch office in 1960. Who is the man and what's the dog's name?

Photo 405: These children were touring the control room at Cowans Ford Hydro Station north of Charlotte. Recognize anyone or have information about the tours?
Mysteries solved!

Adam Pritchard from Marshall Steam Station consulted his dad, Bryan, a Buck Steam Station retiree, to identify some of the Buck employees in photos 411 and 412. Bryan said the photos were taken in the 1980s. Photo 411: Operations staff, back row from left, Eddy Barney, Rick Swink, Otis Reagan. Front row: Bob Peeler, shift supervisor, and Ed Holms.

Photo 412: The Buck test department, back row from left: Woodie Young, Willy Noles (supervisor), Ken Eller, Stan Myers, Ronnie Rollins; front from left: Carl Chappell, Debbie, unknown, Ronnie Parks and Mike Small.