Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. However, many of the photos are not properly identified. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about the photos below. You can send us an email at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.
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Photo 309: Dated 1963, this photo of the Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati is from the CG&E collection. Does the downtown area still have any of these decorations? Do you have memories of these?
Photo 310: We think this is the 1963 holiday display in Wabash, Ind. Do you remember it or know if it still exists? This photo came from the Public Service Indiana collection.
Photo 312: This was the Duke Power headquarters in downtown Charlotte in 1930. Who remembers the Power Building decorated for the holidays?
Photo 316: From 1986, the photo is labeled as "Heritage Village employees." Were these Duke Power employees helping in the community? Who are they? What was Heritage Village?
Photo 317: Another from Heritage Village. Do you recognize the employees?
Mysteries solved!
Duke Energy employee Nate Klingerman noticed photo 246 in a book celebrating Progress Energy’s 100th anniversary. According to the book, the photo was taken in 1986 at Walters Hydro Electric Station near Waterville, N.C. Front row from left: Craven Wilkens, Ed Cates, Hal Price, Elvine Coggins, Randall Bible, Jack Redmond and Guy Pressley. Back row: Robert Harper, Randall Arrowood, Janice Buckner, D.R. Williamson, Dean Shults, Dean West, Hal Brown, Wilbur Teague, Ray McElroy, Mitch Roberts, Creed Gates, Wayne Freeman, Stever Strange, D. Black, and Clyde Holt.