Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and the Carolinas. However, many of the photos are not properly identified.
Here are several photos of people at work that need identification. If they look familiar, send us an email at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image. Sign up for alerts when new photos are posted by clicking here.
Photo 393: Who is this Piedmont Natural Gas executive and what did he do?
Photo 365: She worked for Duke Power, but do you know where and when?
Photo 470: These are employees from Cinergy’s Call Center West. Do you remember them?
Photo 469: Many of you likely remember the former Duke Power headquarters called the Power Building on Church Street in Charlotte. Please share your memories with us so the archivists can record company history.
Mysteries solved!
Many of Everett Greene’s co-workers recognized him in photo 474. Greene said the photo was taken around 2000 at a Plainfield, Indiana, substation when he was manager of substation construction. He still works for Duke Energy as director of meter reading and said he hasn’t changed a bit since the photo was taken for the company’s promotional materials.