These photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., are missing identification. That's where you come in. Help us solve the mystery of where these photos were taken.
If you have any information about where or when the next three photos were taken, or know someone who can help, email
This photo from Carolina Power & Light is in the archives with no other information. Who is this man and what control room was he working in?
This 1967 photo from Florida Power is labeled "Cooking Caravan." Where did this kitchen travel and what was it used for?
North Carolina's Buck Steam Station ball club, circa 1980. Can anyone put names with the players? (04/28/16: Identified!)
The caption on this 1972 photo from the Public Service Indiana files says the subject is a "new meeting" in the office at Clarksville. What was going on? Was it part of a home services department at PSI?