In 2021, readers liked learning how to be more energy efficient and what Duke Energy is doing to help its communities while generating cleaner energy that’s reliable, too.
Here are the top 10 most read stories of 2021. Subscribe to this weekly newsletter to stay up to date in 2022.
Energy efficiency
These DIY videos can help you be more energy efficient and save
Five videos show easy ways to upgrade your home and use less energy.

6 smart energy swaps to help you save
If DIY is not your thing, check out six swaps (like wearing an extra layer) that will make energy efficiency easier.
Your top energy efficiency questions and ways to save
Have questions about energy efficiency? Chances are others had the same question, and you can read the answers about how to save.
Generating cleaner energy and upgrading the grid
How Duke Energy is preparing for hurricane season
While 2021’s hurricane season wasn’t as severe as predicted for Duke Energy customers, the company was prepared by trimming trees, installing more steel poles and self-healing technology to avoid outages.
3 benefits of your new smart meter
Duke Energy has installed more than eight million smart meters since 2012, which allows customers to monitor their energy use, prevent outages and enable renewable energy.

This series about solar, wind and batteries explained how these growing, zero-carbon energy sources work, their history and their future as Duke Energy moves toward net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
How Duke Energy is using technology to save eagles at a Wyoming wind site
As Duke Energy builds more wind projects, it’s also looking for ways to lessen its impact on wildlife. The company is using IdentiFlight, a system of cameras and artificial intelligence, to shut down turbines when golden and bald eagles approach. A study in 2020 showed an 82 percent reduction in eagle deaths at this Wyoming site.
Supporting customers and communities
Where to find help paying your utility bill
As the need for help grew during the pandemic, Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas funded several programs across its seven states to help customers pay their bills.

Hunger’s reach is long. Here’s how you can help.
Second Harvest Food Bank was one of many organizations Duke Energy volunteers supported in 2021. Volunteers, along with a Duke Energy donation, helped provide 1 million meals.
Focus on diversity in Orlando will boost grassroots groups
As part of its commitment to social justice, racial equity and diversity and inclusion, Duke Energy donated $50,000 to the United Arts of Central Florida to improve diversity in its arts programs.