Retro photos: A face in the crowd Retro photos: A face in the crowd

Retro photos: A face in the crowd

Can you help ID any of the faces in these photos?


Do you recognize any of the people in these photos?

These photos are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you know any of the people or locations in the photos, let us know. Email, and include the photo number or attach the image.


Photo 611: Who is this Florida Power employee?


Photo 644: This Public Service Indiana photo is marked: “4/7/1967 New Albany High School Vocational Project.” Who are these students? Did anyone eventually work for PSI?


Photo 654: Who are these Duke Power McGuire Nuclear Station control room employees?


Photo 674: Why have these Florida Power employees gathered? And where?

Mystery solved


No less than 10 people let us know the Carolina Power & Light employee in photo 692 is Stanley "Boom" Bullock, who is still a nuclear materials specialist at Harris Nuclear Plant. 

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