The Environment
To survey and protect a rare sunflower in the Carolinas
Take a minute to think about ways you protect the environment. You may recycle, monitor your energy use or cultivate a pollinator garden to help save the bees.
Duke Energy environmental scientists prioritize the environment every day through...
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Expert Advice
Your top energy efficiency questions and ways to save
How can you find ways to save energy around the house? All you have to do is ask.
Here are 10 FAQs – and the answers – Duke Energy customers ask the company about how they can save. Company energy efficiency experts offer simple ways to conserve and...
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Retro photos: What do these keys unlock?
The images are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you know any of the people or locations in the photos, email illumination@duke-energy.com, and include the photo number or attach the...
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