What to do to stay safe in a thunderstorm

Spring and summer bring thunder, lightning and downed trees. Here are five storm safety tips

If thunder roars, go indoors. That advice from the Red Cross can keep you safe. Thunderstorms, high wind and lightning can knock over trees and power lines, causing power outages. If you’re outdoors during a storm, Duke Energy says: Do not touch anything that is on or near a power line such as trees, tree limbs, cars and ladders.


Here are five tips for thunderstorm season from the Red Cross and Duke Energy:

  1. If you hear thunder, lightning is nearby. Stay inside for 30 minutes after the last thunder clap.
  2. Monitor local media or NOAA Weather Radio for updates.
  3. If a severe thunderstorm warning is issued, take shelter and keep away from windows, avoid electrical equipment and telephones (use battery-powered devices); do not take a bath, shower or use plumbing.
  4. If you are driving, try to park. Stay in the vehicle until the heavy rain ends and avoid touching surfaces that conduct electricity. Avoid high ground, water, trees and metal objects, picnic shelters, dugouts and sheds.
  5. If a power line falls across your vehicle, stay in it until professional assistance arrives. If you must get out, jump clear and land on both feet. Don't touch the vehicle when your feet are on the ground.

What to do if power goes out

If your power is out, alert your energy company.

Duke Energy Carolinas: 800.769.3766

Duke Energy Progress: 800.419.6356

Duke Energy Florida – 800.228.8485

Duke Energy Indiana – 800.343.3525

Duke Energy Ohio/Kentucky – 800.543.5599

Consider all downed power lines and anything touching them energized. Report power line hazards to Duke Energy or your emergency services department.

More information: Duke Energy storm safety; Duke Energy phone or email outage alerts; Red Cross mobile apps.