Retro photos: Who are these engineers?

Help us identify these old photos

There are thousands of photos in the Duke Energy archives, and we could use your help identifying them! If you have details about the photos below, email us at To be updated when new photos are posted, click here


This photo was taken at Oconee Nuclear Station in 1985. A student is asking the operator a question during energy camp in the simulator. Did anyone participate in this energy camp or have more information?


From the Carolina Power & Light collection in 1993: Do you recognize these engineers at the Harris Nuclear Plant?


There aren’t many details about this photo we found in the CG&E/Cinergy collection. Does anyone know its location or the employees pictured?


These employees are celebrating their achievement of 250,000 safe hours at Sutton Plant in Wilmington, N.C., in 1995. Were you there at the time? Do you know any of the people pictured?

Mysteries solved!


This photo from 1974 was identified by Chuck Harper as the Florida Power Corp. System Dispatch Office in downtown St. Petersburg. On the right side of the photo (with hand on head), he said, is dispatcher Robert Willis. On the same side as Willis, Harper said he thinks the man working on the computer is Rey Garcia. Harper also identified those on the left as Assistant Dispatcher on Transmission Switching Desk Pete Mareske, foreground, and Robert Dresscher, the on-duty transmission switching dispatcher.