These photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., are missing identification. That's where you come in. If you have any information about where or when these photos were taken, or know someone who can help, email illumination@duke-energy.com.
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What is that thing and what does it do? (Photo from the Duke Power collection.) (07/24/16: Identified!)

Is this a Duke Power meter reader or technician? From when?

Is this an early energy-efficiency program in the Gulf Beaches District at Florida Power? Recognize the employees?

This is the Tide Water Power building in Wilmington, N.C. The company merged with Carolina Power & Light. What became of this building? (07/24/16: Identified!)
Florida lumberjack identified!
James Haugabrook Jr. was the first person to identify this 1976 photo of Jerry Beard working at Florida Power's Wildwood Warehouse in Wildwood, Fla. "He is adjusting this pole pile so that he can sort that pole out to be picked up by a crane." Other contributions came in from eagle-eyed readers Charlotte Adkins, Lori Allen, Don Seijas and Brant Cannon.