Retro photos: The men of 'turtle power'

Can you help Duke Energy archivists identify these old photos?

These photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., are missing identification. If you have any information about these photos, or know someone who can help, email Be sure to include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 120: These men are wearing Florida Power Corp. "Turtle Power" T-shirts. What's turtle power and why are they wearing these shirts?
Photo 122: From the Public Service Co. of Indiana collection. Who are these employees and where did they work? 
Photo 125: The old Union Gas & Electric Co. building? Was this in Cincinnati and does the building still stand? From the Cincinnati Gas & Electric collection.
Photo 115: These are employees in the Engineering Department at Duke Power. When was the photo taken? Recognize anyone?  
Mysteries solved
Photo 112: A number of people recognized Donnell Davis, who worked in finance-related positions in uptown Charlotte and at McGuire Nuclear Station before his retirement.


Photo 113: Several people said this is a model of Catawba Nuclear Station in South Carolina. Robin Turpin, who works at McGuire Nuclear Station, reports this is a photo of John Hancock from the late 1970s or early '80s. The models "were built from the piping/equipment drawings issued for the construction of the plant. Seem to remember that the model shop was on the 8th floor of phase 1 of the Energy Center (formerly electric center)."