Florida Power had a service back in the day to check on elderly residents. Was the program called “Gatekeeper” or was this man the gatekeeper? If you remember the program, let us know.
This photo – and the others – are from the Duke Energy archives. If you recognize any of the people, programs or locations, email illumination@duke-energy.com, and include the photo number or attach the image. We'll publish as many of your responses as we can. See some photo IDs below.

Photo 728: Who is this Piedmont Natural Gas employee? What’s he doing?

Photo 738: The note on this photo says: "Gatekeeper" – a service Florida Power provided to check on the elderly. Who is this employee?

Photo 743: It looks like these Carolina Power & Light employees are celebrating meeting a United Way fund drive goal. Do you recognize anyone? Do you have information about this event?

Photo 760: Any ideas about who these two Public Service Indiana employees are? Were they engineers?
Mysteries solved

Photo 675: Several people responded with information about the Duke Power Business Office and Operation Center on North Main Street in Salisbury, N.C.
Parks Nesbit: “I worked out of this operation center as a distribution lineman for 10 years. Then we moved into the new operation center on East Ritchie Road in Salisbury in 1995.”
Jeff Mabe: “It housed the departments of engineering, admin, operations, construction, stores, and I believe, appliance sales at one time. The site also had a maintenance garage in the back. Before that, I was told, the building site was the car barn (maintenance building) for the electric streetcars for the cities of Salisbury and Spencer. Duke Power operated the streetcars from 1926 to 1938.”
Tim Freeze: “I remember going there to visit my dad, Laird Freeze, when he worked there in the 1980s and early ’90s as a distribution engineer. This building, which was the Salisbury electric street car trolley barn, is still standing and is now home to Motts Powersports. My dad, who still works for the company, celebrated his 45th work anniversary on July 1, 2023.”

Photo 745: Sharon Thomas, Phillip Bordeaux and Ed Brewer combined to identify employees for the photo tagged, “300,000 Sutton Station Safety Award Presentation” at Carolina Power & Light’s Sutton Plant in Wilmington, N.C. From left: Tim Walker, Joe Graham, Bill Bouras, Bruce Moorefield, Joe Phipps and Charles Kea. These certificates were awarded every 100,000 safe work hours. Bouras was plant manager.