Retro photos: Turbines go round and round

Can you help us ID these photos?

There's something fascinating about turbines: The shapes, the blades, the colors. Connected to a generator, they make the world go round by producng electricity.

If you recognize this turbine or know any of the people or locations in the other photos of legacy companies from the Duke Energy archives, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.


Photo 694: Who is this Duke Power employee? Where did she work?


Photo 699: Who are these Florida Power employees and where did they work?


Photo 721: Cincinnati Gas & Electric workers stop for a photo op. But where? The bottom right of the photo is marked with “79_37”. Was this photo taken n 1937?


Photo 722: Who are these Carolina Power & Light employees and what are they doing?

Mysteries solved


Photo 655: Lisa Rhyne said: "The man in the picture is Gene Vaughan – longtime employee at the environmental center at McGuire Nuclear Station. Don’t know who the owl is! Gene was a wonderful person and did a lot with our schools. Me and M.K. Green used to manage and lead our Summer Teacher Workshops. Gene always taught our environmental education sessions. He was so passionate and caring."


Photo 682 shows the Duke Power retail store at West Cherokee Street and North John Street in Blacksburg, S.C. “The store sold appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, etc., and you could pay your electric bill there,” said S. Bernard Smith. Lineworkers, meter readers and others worked there. “The facility was built sometime in the early 1960s and closed in the early to mid-’90s. The building has been renovated and a local funeral home currently occupies the space.”