These photos are from the Duke Energy and legacy company archives. If you recognize any of the people or locations, email, and include the photo number or attach the image. We'll publish as many of your responses as we can. See some photo IDs below.

Photo 811: We’d love to know what these Piedmont Natural Gas employees are up to. Any guesses as to what they are doing, or where it was taken?

Photo 816: What was this Duke Power Company truck used for? What model is the vehicle?

Photo 808: Here’s another photo from our Piedmont collection. Do you recognize the employee? When did he work here?

Photo 820: Who are the Florida Power Corporation lineworkers in this photo we found? What are they working on?
You helped us learn more about these photos …

Photo 815: Benjamin Mullis and Eric Armstrong agreed this was taken at a Piedmont satellite office on Monroe Road in Charlotte, N.C. Mullis even narrowed down the year to 1989.
Their answers are similar, except for one person who is either Ron Luther or David Grindstaff. Who do you think it is?

Photo 812: We have a couple of guesses as to when this photo was taken. And Derek Ward agreed that it certainly looks like the Piedmont operations center on Yancey Road in Charlotte, N.C.
Eric Armstrong thinks the photo is from 1976: “A retired co-worker sent me the sister photo that shows the front end of the trucks parked in the center row,” Armstrong said. “The white Chevy trucks in the photo were 1974 models. Rain drip rails were added to that body style in the second year of production.”
Ward and Tom Tate think it’s closer to 1973: “I’m going with 1973,” Tate said, “due to the black trucks being the earlier models 1967-‘72 and the white trucks being the new 1973 models. It appears they may have been changing out the fleet there. The new white trucks have the updated company logo, as well.”

Tim Skeens and Mark Woelfel helped us identify the Cincinnati Gas & Electric employees in this photo. Steve Clemons is on the pole and Shepard “Shep” Hillson is operating the truck.
“This crew was working out of the Fairfield, Ohio, district around 1988 to 1991,” said Woelfel, who worked in Fairfield at the time – and still does. “The employee on the ground, the guy working the ropes of the hand line, looks like Crew Lead Senior Lineman Bill Gruninger. I think this picture was taken for a slide presentation on safe work practices. At the time, we called them M.W.S. (Manual Work Standards).”