Something about photos of workers testing rubber gloves is fascinating. Further down you'll learn more about the photo at the top.
In this edition of retro, we saunter around old photos from Duke Energy legacy companies: Piedmont Natural Gas, Florida Power, Carolina Power & Light, Cincinnati Gas & Electric and Public Service Indiana. The photos are from the Duke Energy archives. If you recognize any of the people or locations, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 726: We know the man on the right is Buell Duncan, Piedmont Natural Gas Co.’s first CEO. Who is the man to the left?

Photo 740: Who is the Florida Power worker in the truck? Who are the children? And what’s the occasion?

Photo 745: This Carolina Power & Light photo from about 1978 says, “300,000 Sutton Station Safety Award Presentation.” Why did they get an award? Who are the employees?

Photo 752: We think this Cincinnati Gas & Electric photo shows a street in Cincinnati. Any idea where? The cars and trucks look like they’re from the 1920s. What do you think?

Photo 758: Back in 2016 we ran a different photo of this Public Service Indiana employee, Mr. Gadby, inspecting gloves lineworkers wore. Do you have more information?
Mystery solved

Tom Glenn and Stan Reynolds identified Photo 680 as the Duke Power business and appliance sales office on Main Street in Spartanburg, S.C. It was sold about 20 years ago. A foundation sits on the site now.