We rarely miss the opportunity to publish an old photo of longtime utility company mascot Reddy Kilowatt. We think we know why he joined these happy folk. Read more below.
Most of these photos were taken in the Hickory, N.C., area, but we don't know who is pictured, what they were doing or when they were taken. If you have any information about the people or photos, email illumination@duke-energy.com, and include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 762: We think this is the grand opening of Duke Power’s Hickory, N.C., office, headlined by Reddy Kilowatt on the far right. That’s Duke Power President Bill McGuire on the left. Who are the others?

Photo 765: Who is this Duke Power employee? What was his job?

Photo 782: Who are these Duke Power employees? Where was the photo taken? Bonus question: What is the year, make and model of the trucks?

Photo 784: Who is this Duke Power employee and what type of station he is operating?
And the employees in these photos are ...

Photo 736: We previously said Tim Daly is the Florida Power employee on the right in this billboard near the 25th Street Operations Center in St. Petersburg. Debbie Vogel identified the man on the left as Eugene “Shakey” Stevenson.

Photo 747: Bob Morrison and Jeff Turner named the men of the General Engineering Department gathered at the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. Fourth and Main headquarters lobby. They said the photo was probably taken in the late 1980s. Back row, from left, Brian Weber, Bob Nienaber, Herb Meyers, Sam Carter, Roland Sedziol. Mark Schuermann, Dan Hartman, Gene Kissell, Roger Walker. Front row, from left, Ron Ehlers, Wayne Theobald, Lou Albers, Jim Kuehne, Art Badger, Tom Heyob, Bernie Schroeder.