Retro photos: Restoring power after Hurricane Hugo Retro photos: Restoring power after Hurricane Hugo

Retro photos: Restoring power after Hurricane Hugo

Can you help Duke Energy archivists identify these old photos?


These photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., are missing identification. If you have any information about these photos, or know someone who can help, email Be sure to include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 124: From the Cincinnati Gas & Electric collection. Who is this fellow, what is he recording and where?
Photo 128: This photo from the Carolina Power & Light collection shows a Hurricane Hugo crew. The hurricane swept through the Carolinas Sept. 21 and 22, 1989. Who are they and where were they working?
Photo 127: Who is this employee, where is he working and what did he do? Photo from the Florida Power collection. 


Photo 126: Is this Cincinnati Gas & Electric building still standing and used today? Where?

Mystery solved!


Photo 116 from the Duke Power collection: Several people reported that the chief cook is Don Denton Sr., who was senior vice president of Marketing and Rates when the photo was taken. He is talking to Jim Bavis, vice president of human Resources. The company sold appliances at that time.


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