Retro photos: Play ball

Can you help us ID these old photos?

There are thousands of photos in Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., archives, but not all of them have proper identification. Take a look at the photos below, and let us know if you have any information or know someone who can help. You can send us an email at, and please include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 166: Who are these Public Service Indiana engineering employees with the Ole Pine Cut Out basketball trophy?  Do you know what year it was?


Photo 151: Recognize anyone from this Buck Steam Station baseball team from Rowan County, N.C.? This photo came from our Duke Power collection.


Photo 161: We think the horse’s name is Betty, but do you know the cowboy? Can you send us any other details about this photo from the Nashville Gas Company collection?


Photo 160: Who is this Florida Power employee and what did he do?

Mysteries solved!

CYID142 glasses

Photo 142: A few readers wrote to tell us this is a photo of M.L. “Buck” Roberts, a former Florida Power Corp employee in the Information Sciences Department who retired in 1994.