Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and the Carolinas. However, many of the photos are not properly identified. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about the photos below. You can send us an email at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.
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Photo 321: This is a group of Public Service Indiana home service advisors outside the headquarters in Plainfield, Ind. Do you recognize them or know what areas of Indiana they served? Any guesses on the year?

Photo 338: Who are these Cincinnati Gas & Electric employees? What are they doing and where are they?

Photo 339: Same questions about this photo from the Duke Power collection: who, what, where and when?

Photo 341: Do you know this Florida Power employee? What kinds of meters are featured here?
Mysteries solved!

Employee Brian Marsh from Indiana had more details on this General Electric mobile substation that we posted in 2016. Believe it or not, he said, this 1949 model is one of four identical units still in use. With some modifications and care over the years, these substations still supply temporary power during planned outages or emergencies.