Retro photos: Measure twice, cut once

Can you ID these old photos from our archives?

The Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., house thousands of old pictures. The ones here are missing identification. If you have any information about these photos, or know someone who can help, email Be sure to include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 132: This action shot was found in the Duke Power collection. Do you know who these employees are?


Photo 133: Do you recognize this employee or know what she’s doing? This photo is from our Florida Power collection.


Photo 137: Any idea who this employee driving a Public Service Indiana truck is? We think the photo is from the 1940s.


Photo 140: This photo of what appears to be appliances on parade in downtown Nashville, Tenn., came from the Nashville Gas Company collection. Do you know what the occasion was?  

Mystery solved!


Photo 126: Lee Freedman recognized this building as a former Cincinnati Gas & Electric building in downtown Middletown, Ohio, which is now occupied by Cincinnati State.

Lee said, “Since 2012, the school’s Middletown campus has housed classrooms, computer labs, science labs, student services, a bookstore, and a student success center. It’s also home to an office for Cincinnati State’s Workforce Development Center, which provides customized job training services for business and industry as well as training programs available to the public."

"In 2014, Duke Energy awarded a $68,500 Urban Revitalization grant to Cincinnati State to further grow its Middletown campus. The goal is to turn the vacant property at 1021 Central Ave., the former Butler County Job and Family Services building, back into productive use. The grant has helped fund feasibility studies and architectural and engineering services to determine the best use of the building as the college continues to develop its footprint in downtown Middletown.”