Retro photos: Me and my truck

Can you help Duke Energy archivists identify these old photos?

These photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., are missing identification. If you have any information about these photos, or know someone who can help, email Be sure to include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 136: Who are these men are and what is the Piedmont Natural Gas event? 

CYID138 truck
Photo 138: Who is this Public Service Indiana employee and what was his job?
CYID141 sized
Photo 141: Who is this Florida Power employee and what was his position?
CYID142 glasses
Photo 142: Who is this Florida Power employee and what was his position?


Mystery solved

Photo 124: A couple of people identified this Cincinnati Gas & Electric photo. This is Dave Schmitt, who was recording Unit 5 Drum Pressure at Miami Fort.