Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and the Carolinas. But many of the photos lack identification. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about these photos. You can send us an email at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 442: What is the make, model and year for this truck?

Photo 457: Where is this Duke Power employee working? Do you recognize him?

Photo 458: Do you recognize any of these Duke Power employees? Where did they work and what did they do?

Photo 460: This photo is identified as "Catawba 1986." Do you know who this employee is and what she's working on?
Mysteries solved!

Photo 466: A couple of people recognized this woman Jessie Vinson, who worked in the old Salisbury, N.C., district office.

Photo 467: This photo is also from the Salisbury office and a couple of people recognized the woman as Eunice Freeze, including her nephew, Laird Freeze, lead business and technology consultant.