These old photos are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you recognize any of the people or locations in the photos, let us know. Email, and include the photo number or attach the image.
Keep reading to see two photos from previous posts that you readers have identified, including one surprising response.

Photo 484: Who is this Duke Power employee? Where did she work?

Photo 607: Why is this Florida Power employee smiling? Who is he, and where did he work?

Photo 627: From the looks of the sign, the address appears to be 21327 State Road 54. Is this Florida Power building in Lutz? What was it used for? Is it still there?

Photo 638: Are those separating funnels this Florida Power employee is working with? Who is he, what's he doing, and where did he work?
Mysteries solved

Business Development Manager Michael Keen had this to say about photo 595: “That is Kay Donaldson, now my wife Kay Keen. She used to work at the Energy Control Center in Saint Petersburg where she produced the daily load forecast. The picture next to her nametag is me and her. She left Florida Power Corp. in 1986. I started in 1984.”

A number of people told us Photo 628 is the Energy Control Center (ECC) building under construction in St. Petersburg. This is the old ECC. The ECC is where grid operators monitor power flow and dispatch crews to make repairs and restore power. The building still stands.