Retro photos: Hoop dreams

Can you help ID these photos?

The Duke Power Transmission Department basketball team is sporting a variety of expressions along with their short shorts. That photo and the others are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you recognize any of the people or locations in the photos, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 614: Who is this Florida Power executive?

Photo 624: The note on this Florida Power photo says, "azalea houses." Where are these houses located?


Photo 645: This is a Public Service Indiana 1949 Dodge truck. What was it used for?


Photo 662: From the looks of those short shorts, we guess this photo of a Duke Power Transmission basketball team is from the 1980s. Do you recognize anyone?

Following up ...


Photo 611: Pete Warner identified this Florida Power executive as Richard Neiser, who was vice president and assistant general counsel.


Tom Tate did some digging to reveal more information about Photo 646 of Danville, Ind. The movie theater on the far right is showing “The War Lover” starring Steve McQueen. “It premiered in the U.S. in October ’62 and it is likely during that timeframe or shortly after when the photo was taken. What started me looking was the police car in the middle of the photo – a ‘62 Bel Air. It still looks like the retro photo even today! All the buildings pictured appear the same. Even the Royal Theater is still there and still showing movies.”