Many of the photos in Duke Energy’s archives aren't identified. We have thousands of old photos from Florida to Indiana and Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. You can help. If you recognize anyone or anything, send us the info at, and please include the photo number or attach the image.

Photo 414: This photo from the Carolina Power & Light collection shows an employee performing a home energy audit. Who is it and roughly what year?

Photo 415: What is this Good Value machine? How did it work? The photo is from 1986. And who is the woman?

Photo 418: Who is the Florida Power employee working in the St. Pete control room?

Photo 422: Who is this Duke Power employee in Data Security department?
Mysteries solved!

Photo 405 shows Miss Cloninger, who was the resident tour guide at Cowans Ford Hydro Station.

A couple of people identified the man at right in photo 409 as Michael Grimstead, who worked at Brunswick Nuclear Plant until the early 2000s. They are carrying a gas or oil space heater in the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo in 1989.