Today we have three photos of employees from Duke Energy legacy companies. But we don't know who they are. Perhaps you recognize some of the people. Thanks to your help, we have information on three images that appeared in previous editions of Retro.
All of the photos are from the Duke Energy archives. If you recognize any of the people, programs or locations, email, and include the photo number or attach the image. We'll publish as many of your responses as we can. See some photo IDs below.

Photo 730: Who is this Piedmont Natural Gas employee nestled in the insulation? Is he promoting a home energy audit?

Photo 735: This is our last image from this Florida Power billboard campaign. Who are these real people with energy solutions?

Photo 746: These Carolina Power & Light employees worked at Brunswick Nuclear Station. Is this a team pulled together for a project? They look like a happy group.
You helped ID these photos

Photo 744: Several people recognized Margaret “Peggy” Glass, an attorney in the Carolina Power & Light Legal Department who became vice president and treasurer.

Photo 752: “This is a photo of the Mamolith Carbon Paint Co. at Second and Main Street in Cincinnati,” said Joseph Ashley Hale. “Today this is the Second Street entrance to the Great American Ballpark where the Cincinnati Reds play baseball, two blocks south of the Fourth and Main Duke Energy Cincinnati Corporate Headquarters building, and one block east of National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.”
Tom Tate said: “The delivery truck in the foreground backed up to the curb dates the photo circa 1928/29. Appears the radiator is relieving itself, blowing steam at the windshield. Looks to be very early in the morning hours.”

Photo 756: We still haven’t figured out where this Public Service Indiana storefront is located, but Tom Tate said the photo was taken about 1959: “Determined by the reflection of a 1959 Pontiac in the right-side window.”
Richard Coutant discovered another car “reflected in the window below the PSI sign. This appears to be a ’59 or ’60 Chevy based on the roofline, wheel arch and rear fender fin. There also appears to be a ’55 Chevy reflected in the window just to the left of this.”