We lead off today’s edition of retro with photos submitted by Larry Dunlap. He said he was “a Brunswick Nuclear Plant employee from 1975-2018 and found these old photos digging through some old files I had saved long ago.”
How many of the employees do you know?
The other photos are from Duke Energy archives and don't include identification. If you recognize any of the people or locations in these photos, email illumination@duke-energy.com, and include the photo number or attach the image.

Dunlap said this is the Kil-O-Watt Ladies Softball team from about 1980. The team was composed of Brunswick Plant employees and wives of plant employees. Uniforms were white and orange with orange caps displaying a Reddy Kilowatt emblem. Front row, from left: Chip Price (assistant coach), Charlotte LaBelle, Barbara Moore, Jackie McKnight, Jodey Baxley, Mary Willett. Back row: Carol Murphy, Frances Harrison, Dennis Murphy (assistant coach), Janet Porterfield, Pam Turner, Carolyn Price, Gail Collondra, Linda Hosmir, Ken Price (coach).

This is the first Brunswick plant NRC license class at N.C. State University Research Reactor in late 1971.
Front row, from left: J.T. Beard (instructor), David B. Sykes, George W. Moody, Richard Wyhlidko, Samuel E. (Ed) Thorndyke, Richard LaBelle, Jim McAdam (instructor). Middle row: Paul (Terry) McNeil, Dennis Cooper, Edwin Hollowell, Mark C. Shealy, Glen Engle, Robert Odden. Back row: William C. Rowles, Donald Eric Tall, Bernard M. Pitman, Robert E. Porterfield, James Prevatte, Wayne Harris, Jerry Waldorf.

Photo 698: Who is this Duke Power employee and what was his job?

Photo 712: Who are these Piedmont Natural Gas employees? In what department did they work?
Mystery solved

You previously identified two of the people in Photo 661. Thanks to retiree Bill Wood we have a third ID. The man in the DE Fest shirt is Chester Reeves, an engineer in the Duke Power Design Engineering Department, and the man on the right in a blue shirt is Bill Fox, who also worked in Design Engineering. Wood said the woman in the yellow sweater is Fox’s wife, Debbie Fox, who worked in Design Engineering.