Retro photos: facts and figures

Can you help ID these old pictures?

Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. However, many of the photos are not properly identified. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about the photos below. You can send us an email at, and please include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 220: Who is this Florida Power employee and what location is he working at? Do you know what year it was or what information he’s gathering?


Photo 222: These are also Florida Power employees (with interesting neck ties!) Do you know who they are or what department they work in? The chart might give a clue.


Photo 223: These Carolina Power and Light employees made use of a wall chart, too. Do you know who they are or where they worked?


Photo 229: We think the sign might refer to Marshall Steam Station -- can any of you confirm? Do you recognize any of these Duke Power employees or know when the photo was taken?

Mysteries solved!


Many of you remembered the Florida Power folks in photo 213. Duke Energy employee Catherine Hanson took a stab at naming them all and said this was from the early 90's in front of the New Port Richey District Office. Back row, left to right: Bob Creeson, Vern Merritt, Larry Eichorn, Jerry Giddens, and Jack Buhler. Front row, left to right: Anne Gonzalez, Rita Bjerksett-Stevens, and Betty Glass.