Retro photos: Faces and places from the past

Do you recognize any of these photos from Duke Energy archives?

Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and the Carolinas. But many of the photos lack identification. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about these photos. You can send us an email at, and please include the photo number or attach the image.


Photo 540: This photo is from the Carolina Power and Light collection. Our archivist recognizes former CEO Sherwood Smith on the left, but do you know the other two employees or why they are in the company’s data center?


Photo 544: Who is this Cinergy meter reader, and what kind of device is that?


Photo 555: The last two photos are from the Nashville Gas collection. The back of this one reads, "commercial kitchen inside.” Do you remember this building or where and when it was used?


Photo 556: Our archivist thinks this is a display to showcase gas grills and outdoor lighting. Do you know where it was or when it was taken?  

Mysteries solved!


Several Duke Energy teammates recognized former Carolina Power and Light meterologist Tim Drum in photo 538. From 1974 to 1994, Drum monitored the weather so the company could be prepared to respond to power outages after high winds, flooding or other severe weather. Drum said this photo was taken in the 1980s and used in the company's annual report. The photo, he said, is actually a composite of two photos and was taken in the company's forecast center of the Raleigh headquarters building.