Retro photos: Engineer edition

Do you remember any of these engineers?

Duke Energy is celebrating Engineer's Week by highlighting the engineers who are building our energy future – and, in this special edition of retro photos, the ones who came before them.

The following photos are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. Some have details, but many are missing identification. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about the photos below. You can send us an email at, and please include the photo number or attach the image.

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Photo 330: Do you recognize former CEO Bill Lee in this Duke Power photo from 1968? Who are the other engineers reviewing Oconee Nuclear Station drawings?


Photo 331: We don’t have any information on these Carolina Power & Light engineers. Do you know who they are or what they did?


Photo 332: This photo from the Duke Power collection is labeled “Agricultural Engineering 4H Electrical Congress – Charleston, SC 1959.” Do you know anything about the event or people pictured?


Photo 333: Help us identify the individuals in this 1965 Florida Power Division Engineering group shot.


Photo 334: These Florida Power engineers are discussing environmental technology and solar research in 1978, but what are their names?

The next two photos are Florida Power engineers discussing transmission tower design. The first, photo 335, is from 1978 and the second, photo 336, is from 1982. Do you know who they are?


