We thought about using “hot stove league” as the headline, but the stoves aren’t hot.
These photos are from the Duke Energy archives. If you recognize any of the people, programs or locations, email illumination@duke-energy.com, and include the photo number or attach the image. We'll publish as many of your responses as we can. See some photo IDs below.

Photo 731: Is this a Piedmont Natural Gas salesperson in a showroom? When and where was the photo taken?

Photo 747: This group is standing in the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. Fourth and Main headquarters lobby. Who are they, and why were they gathered? Can you place the time?

Photo 751: We think this is a Cincinnati Gas & Electric substation. Where was it located? Is the building still standing?
Mysteries solved

Photo 733: Bob Dollar replied: “I don’t know who the Piedmont Natural Gas Employee is but he is using a ‘sniffer’ to check for natural gas leaks. The gas tends to collect in low areas as it is heavier than air. He may be doing it at night to limit the influence of other gases not associated with pipe leaks or to limit public concern about testing.”

Photo 755: Bill Baumgart did a bit of sleuthing for the photo of a traveling maintenance crew for Cinergy Corp: “I reached out to Tonya Williams and she says: ‘Back row left to right, Dave Blanc, Bob Crowley, Mike Williams, John Shain, Mark Gognat. Front row, from left, Dave Voils, Tonya Williams, Steve Noe, Hank Hammond, Dennis McCurdy.”
Brian Meister said the photo might have been shot at the Vigo County, Ind., fairgrounds.