Retro photos: Bygone days at the office Retro photos: Bygone days at the office

Retro photos: Bygone days at the office

Can you help ID these photos?


Back in the day, before pandemics and remote working, employees at companies actually worked in offices. These are photos from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C., of Florida Power employees doing their thing - collaborating, using office equipment and telephones! If you know when or where they were taken, email, and include the photo number or attach the image.


Photo 592: Before email, communications and memos between offices were conducted on paper and sent through interoffice mail. Old timers will recognize these mail slots. Who is this fellow, and where did he work?

Photo 593: This employee is putting paper from that giant copy machine into a recycling bin. Who is she, and where did she work?


Photo 597: Who are these employees? What were their jobs?


Photo 636: She has a printing calculator on her desk. Who is she?

Mysteries solved


Photo 553: This is Melvin Jones, a construction supervisor, said Bobby Garner, Piedmont Natural Gas senior engineering project manager. "He’s holding what was the new 'Spock’s ear' logo for Nashville Gas – mid '90s I think."


Photo 632: Bill Slusser said the fellow in the tie is Florida Power Rates Department Load Research Engineer Bill Slusser around 1974, showing a recording usage special meter installed at engineer Ken Gould's house. That’s Ken in the red shirt.

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