Duke Energy’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters houses thousands of old photos from Florida to Ohio and Kentucky to the Carolinas. However, many of the photos are not properly identified. Help us improve our records by sending us your memories about the photos below. You can send us an email at illumination@duke-energy.com, and please include the photo number or attach the image.
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Photo 198: Do you recognize these Duke Power award winners from 1971?

Photo 209: Why are these men shaking hands? Do you know their names or where they worked at Duke Power?

Photo 213: Who are these Florida Power employees? And what building are they at?

Photo 217: This is a Nashville Gas Company service truck – we’re curious about the year and model. Do you have any details?
Mysteries solved!
Tami Styer and Jeff Lineberger recognized the employees in photo 207 as B.B. Parker (left) and Thomas L. Perkins. Duke Energy archivists believe it was taken at the beginning of construction of the Keowee-Toxaway site in South Carolina. At the time, Lineberger said he believes Parker was Duke Power Executive Vice President and Perkins was Duke Power Chairman of the Board.