Retro photos: Merry band of lineworkers?

I figure this photo must have been taken after a hard day's work in the field - in cold weather. We have a few more details below. 

That photo and the others are from the Duke Energy archives in Charlotte, N.C. If you recognize any of the people or locations in the photos, let us know. Email, and include the photo number or attach the image. 


Photo 397: Do you recognize this the Piedmont Natural Gas employee? Where did he work, and what did he do?


Photo 608: Who is this Florida Power employee?


Photo 641: We think the men in this photo from the Public Service Indiana collection are line workers. The truck appears to be from the early 1920s. Do you recognize the building?


Photo 685: These Carolina Power and Light employees were working during Hurricane Bonnie. Was that 1998? Who are these men?

Mysteries solved


The employee in Photo 591 has been identified as Teresa Compton Guarcello, a mechanical engineer for Florida Power, who also served as training manager.


Photo 637: Several people identified Phil Dean of Florida Power Corporate Communications. He was the voice of Florida Power phone recordings.