You can monitor and manage your energy use to reduce costs this winter, even when temperatures drop for extended periods. If you have a smart meter, log in to or the Duke Energy app to see how and when you’re using energy so you can make adjustments. You can also sign up for an equal payment plan to get a predictable monthly bill.
Here are six ways to swap and save.
Bundle up
Warmer clothes can help you keep the thermostat – and your bill – a little lower.
Swap the T-shirt for a sweater.
Upgrade appliances
Energy-efficient appliances can lower your monthly bill. When you shop, look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR® label. They usually exceed minimum federal standards.
Set a timer
Put your lights on timers to manage when they are on and off.
You'll reduce your energy use without having to remember to flip the switch.
Switch to strips
You'll save energy when you use a power strip as a central turn off point for electronics, video games and computers when not in use.
Change the bulbs
LED light bulbs give off the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs.
However, they use less electricity and last longer.
Program your thermostat
A smarter thermostat will help lower your bill by automatically adjusting the temperature at times you’ll be away.
Looking for more ways to save? Here are 10 more ideas for winter energy efficiency.